Finding solace in creativity isn't just a hobby; it's a lifeline. Amidst the chaos of anxious thoughts, the act of creating self-portraits becomes a grounding force, a way to reconnect with oneself. It's not about crafting the perfect image; it's about the therapeutic journey through each click of the shutter. Join me as I explore how art transcends its visual appeal and becomes a profound tool for mental wellness, transforming anxiety into a wellspring of inspiration.
Read MoreDancing with the Rhythms of Creativity: A Seasonal Approach to Artistic Flow
Just as nature is governed by seasons, so too can our creativity be guided by the rhythm of sowing, growing, reaping, and resting. This cyclical process can help maintain a sustainable creative practice and enrich the depth of our work. Let's unpack this concept.
Read MoreIntuition {Self-Portrait}
Intuitively, we gather together. We learn from each other. We share each other’s pain and life experiences as a collective.
We learn we are not so different from one another. We go beyond the surface and we create from a once guarded space deep within. We support, we grieve, we hold space, we grow, we make a mess. We are Artists. There’s no textbook that can teach this experience; this way of learning. It’s in the doing. It’s in the mistakes. It’s in our guts. We are guided by our intuition and we trust the process.
Thank you to the women who have trusted in me and have gathered together to create in Expressive Self Portraiture. It is a gift and honor to spend time with you.♥️
The Snow Fairy
An important and key part to being an artist is to practice, play, and be hands on. We learn and grow by doing.
Begin before you feel ready to. It’s no secret, we’re going to experience failures. We’re going to make bad art. There is no exception to that. It’s a rite of passage. It happens to us all, myself included.
We are going to fail, but we’re going to learn. Be open to the lessons of your failures. Listen to them and study them as if they were sacred secrets. Become receptive. Crack open and let the ideas flow in that are unique to your self-expression.
It’s in the experience where the magic happens. The doing. Going into a shoot with an open mind and allowing the outcome to unfold before you is where creativity thrives.
Fantasy {Self-Portrait}
Fantasy is storytelling with the beguiling power to transform the impossible into the imaginable, and to reveal our own “real” world in a fresh and truth-bearing light.
Leonard S. Marcus
In my Instagram stories I asked which location you would like to see first from a recent shoot. Here is the location with the most votes.
What’s everyone up to today? Here in NJ we are having a snow day. Is there anything more magical that newly fallen snow? ❄️
Seeker {Lensbaby Self-Portraits)
Earlier this week, I shot these self-portrait in my backyard using my Lensbaby Velvet 56. Since @lensbabyusa lenses are manual focus lenses, I needed something to focus on in the place where I would be standing. I used a dress form complete with a wig and mask on it to stand in my place. I use this because it is similar in size and height to me. Once I grabbed my focus, I was able to place a stick on the ground where I would be standing and move the dress form out of the frame.
Have a question? Comment or DM me! Here’s the link for Lensbaby’s site. Be sure to use the code wsharon for a 10% discount on your next Lensbaby purchase!
Sony a7riii | Velvet 56 | 1/250 | f/2 | ISO 100
Our Stories are What Heals Us and Others
Our stories are what heals us and others. Our expression of our stories is our medicine. The process is cathartic. The outcome is freeing.
I had no idea what I was doing the very first time I turned my camera around onto myself. Self-portraiture was a foreign concept, another language. My need for self-expression was so strong that it outweighed my fears of making bad art and using myself as the subject.
It taught me that it’s better to begin rather than spending your time planning and researching. You have to come with an open mind and be willing to mess up....a lot. You’ll find pieces of yourself you didn’t know existed in the mistakes and mishaps. You’ll see glimmers of hope and wonder in yourself.
Self-portraiture is an opportunity to tell your story, rewrite a new one, learn who you are, and are not. The camera is your tool that reveals your soul. This work strips you down to your core. It’s not easy, but the healing and self-discovery that comes out of this medium are profound and life-changing.
I am a better person than when I began this journey of self-expression. This is why I wrote and teach Expressive Self Portraiture. I know what it can do for a person, and I wanted to be able to share this experience with others.
It’s so easy to be critical and judgmental of yourself when you’re the subject. Let’s leave our judgement of ourselves and others at the door. Let’s support each other and hold a light for one another. I will guide you through the process. You just need to take the first step. Registration opens in April!
Expressive Self Portraiture Coming Soon
I’ve always felt different and like an outsider looking in. Creating my art has given me community and support. Some of you have watched my journey unfold for years in this space. You’ve seen me fail and witnessed me succeed. You’ve watched my story unfold and my vision develop and change over time. I’ve gone from being silent to having a voice.
Creating art has given me my voice and provided me with healing. Now, I’d love nothing more than to help guide and support you on your own personal journey with this medium.
Self Portraiture demands so much from us. It forces us to see things we’d rather not at times. With the right tools in hand, we can reap the many positive benefits of this type of inner work.
I’m opening up my class, Expressive Self Portraiture, soon. I’m not going to lie, I’m scared! This is my first time teaching it on my own and not through a school. I’m so ready though.
Stay tuned for details and if you have any questions at all, email me. I’m an open book 📖
Sometimes all we need is permission. Permission to change our minds. To create what we want. To change our careers. To call ourselves artists. To write the book. To tell the truth. To share our truth. Permission to heal. To let go of our guilt. To forgive ourselves. To do the thing that scares us most.
This is me giving you permission.
I’m going to be opening up registration for my class, Expressive Self Portraiture, soon. I’ve made some updates to it and it will have a new price as well. If you’re looking for a place where you can fully be YOU and find new ways and tools to express yourself, look no further. I will be there to guide and support you every step of the way for 4 weeks. After that, we will continue our journey together and support each other in a private forum. I’m so excited!
Justice {Self-Portrait}
The High Priestess
I’ve been staying small lately and it leaves me feeling unsettled. I’ve never liked change before and I’ve been faced with my fair share recently. I’m questioning my worth, my abilities, my intuition and judgement.
Self-portraiture has been my lifeline, my remedy to what ails me for several years now. When my Expressive Self Portraiture class was just a dream there weren’t many artists who focused on self-portraits. I was told there wasn’t enough need for it. The audience wasn’t large enough.
The thing is, I’m not looking for a large audience. What I do needs to be in a small space that’s safe. That’s where the magic takes place. That’s where wounds are opened and tended to in order to begin the healing process. It’s where we fall apart and unravel only to pick ourselves up whole again. Stronger. We walk the creative path together as equals.
I will soon be offering new ways to connect with me and to be a part of my updated class. Oftentimes, change is good. I will embrace the unknown and continue to create and use my voice to advocate for this type of self-expression in art. Thank you to each and every one of you who has stood by me and shown your support.
The High Priestess 🌛🌝🌜
Embracing Your Weirdness: Finding and Using Your Voice in Photography
If I allowed my fears and worries to control me, I would never share the art I dream up and make. I'd still create it, but setting it free would be another story. When I first began exploring photography, I took a cookie-cutter approach. It was the time of Photoshop actions, color, sun flare, over-exposed images, and *gasp* selective color. The thing to do was use your children as little models, dress them up, throw in some props from time to time, and call yourself a photographer. I did what I thought I needed to do to earn the title, Photographer.
The thing is, that's not me.
That's not who I am.
I wasn't making art when I was mimicking others and trying to fit in. With that said, I needed to go through that process. I needed to recognize and learn that making that type of work didn't light me up. Taking pictures of other families was great practice for me, but it made me question if this is really what I want to do and how I want it to be.
The answer was a loud and resounding, NO.
When I began to show up unapologetically in my art, I found my voice. When I decided I wouldn't allow myself to be defined or swayed by societal pressure, I found my freedom. It's easy to fall into the trap of being small to avoid judgment from others. But there is no growth in that. If you approach your work with an open mind and open heart, you can expect to expand and grow as an artist.
I encourage you to tend to the next idea that pops into your mind. That little spark of inspiration is trying to tell you something. It's trying to show you pieces of you. Create the world in your dreams. Don't let fear stop you!
Embrace your inner weirdness. Everyone is a judge! So what?!
I found my inspiration for these self-portraits in a deck of Tarot cards. It came to me instantly in a flash, and I knew I couldn't let it go. I needed to bring it to life.
What is the oddest thing that has inspired you? Share in the comments below!
** Sharon Covert is a teacher and mentor at The Define School. Sharon's courses, Expressive Self Portraiture and The Art of Authenticity are both available through The Define School. For more information email Sharon at or visit The Define School by clicking this link. You can sign up for Sharon’s newsletter HERE to stay up to date and receive a bonus black and white editing video.
Make Bad Art: Letting Go of Perfectionism and Creating With the Intention of Growth
I once came across the phrase, " Perfectionism is another form of procrastination." It took some time and thought for me to wrap my brain around that concept. It's not always easy to admit you're guilty of such things.
How often do we wait for the time to be right before we begin something? What does that even mean? How will we know that the right time is upon us unless we start the work now? Chances are, if we keep waiting for the perfect time, it may never come. We'll always find something in the way.
While we are on the topic of time, how often do you find yourself saying that you have none? Time is what you make of it. Time is always available to us. It's just a matter of what you prioritize. Stating you have none is yet another form of procrastination. I will be the first to admit that I have been guilty of saying this.
We cannot learn something new, let alone master it unless we begin. We need to be okay with being a beginner sometimes. We have to be willing to take the leap or even to take baby steps to make progress. Sometimes, this means making bad art.
I've had my fair share of what I consider to be bad art. My time as an artist consists of much trial and error, and a healthy dose of mistakes and failures. I wouldn't be creating the work I make today had I not been okay with letting go of the outcome and failing.
If you're feeling a pull towards learning or creating something new, I urge you to go for it. Don't wait until you have the perfect camera or the right lens or ideal lighting. I've come across this time and time again and especially while teaching my Expressive Self Portraiture class.
Many women are scared of this class. They can't bring themselves to begin because they fear the judgment of others, they need to lose weight first, or grow out a bad haircut, or find the perfect location, or learn to forgive and love themselves. Whatever that thing is, it is only holding you back from growing. Those things will come in time, but first, you have to make lousy pictures.
Allow me to share a piece of my timeline so you can see my progression.
The year is 2014 and I was newly exploring self-portraiture. That reflection you see in the piano? Everyone loved that. It was sheer luck and completely unplanned. I had no idea of what I was doing. I had no vision for this self-portrait. I just knew that I liked to play the piano and I liked photography.
Another self-portrait from 2014. I began experimenting with slow shutter speeds and garage light.
In 2015 I began to explore a more conceptual route with my self-portraits. This was one of my first attempts at some type of a levitating image. I was laying down on my piano bench and was stiff as a board! I still had no message, but I was allowing myself to try new things.
Another from 2015 where I first began experimenting with tulle and the window light in my small spare room. It’s a tight, small space and I was on the floor for this image. I was beginning to find ways to express and process grief.
In 2016 I began using vintage dresses and masks. I was looking for ways to portray characters and express my story.
2016- This was the day the rabbit mask arrived. I had no plan or idea of what I would use it for. I put it on and was immediately transformed and inspired to take this self-portrait as a test shot. It became a signature image of mine and it was born out of a test shot. Imagine if I had waited for an idea or an ideal moment to use this mask?
I created this all time favorite image. Before this image came to be, I experimented with making clouds and really terrible images.
Here is one of the failures! With this failure, I knew I was on to something.
2016 was one of my most creative and experimental years. This was a long exposure I made and titled it “Turn Your Back on Me”.
2017 came and I bought a wig at the Halloween shop. It was another way to add anonymity to my self-portraits. By this time I had my black and white editing down.
2017 and one of my all time favorite self-portraits to date. I won a giveaway for a dress that belonged to Brooke Shaden. It was torn and tattered and I wasn’t sure how I could possibly use it. Then I made this in my back yard, and got poison ivy from the shoot.
In 2018 I slowed down and became creative in other ways such as writing, yoga, and health.
I created with more intention in 2018 whereas the years leading up to that I created anything and everything.
2019 brought a new camera and with that, a learning curve. I went from a Canon 5D Mark III to a Sony a7r III with one lens.
In 2019 I have put more thought and care into each self-portrait.
These are just a small sampling of my growth over the years. There are thousands of images in between these.
The moral of the story is just to do it. Allow the time, space, and practice for your growth. Allow for mistakes, failures, mishaps, and pleasant surprises along the way. Most of us are not prodigies at our craft. We earn it, the hard way.
* Sharon Covert is a teacher and mentor at The Define School. Sharon's courses, Expressive Self Portraiture and The Art of Authenticity are both available through The Define School. For more information email Sharon at or visit The Define School by clicking this link.
Your Relationship With Self and Art
What’s your relationship with yourself like? What about with your art?
I work on my relationship with myself every morning when I step onto my yoga mat, every time I put pencil to paper (yes, I prefer to hand write everything and with pencil ✏️ 🙂), every time I make the conscious choice to put the time in to nourish my body and not choose the opposite, every time I pick up or listen to a book, every online class I take to further educate myself (we can never stop learning), and in so many other ways.
The other night I shared a little BTS video in my Instagram Stories of me setting up for a self-portrait in my backyard. It was completely impromptu. I had gone outside with Linhsey (my daughter) while she played hockey in the driveway, but the fading light and woods whispered for me to come.
I obliged.
While I didn’t create anything magical, I embodied and relished myself in the process. I spent so much thought and time in the winter pondering why I wasn’t out there creating as much. The cold and snow had never stopped me in the past. Now I see I just needed to lean in and trust in the process. It may call at the oddest of times, or lie dormant for quite some time. I just need to trust that whatever I’m meant to create, I will.
I needed to go through this process the other night of feeling that spark of inspiration, setting up, making the images, and taking it all down again. It’s within that process that my relationship to self grows the most.
What about you?
A Creative Lull
Who are you right now in your art? What are you being called to create? Or are you being called to take a break and recharge? Could there possibly be something new you are interested in?
I experienced a bit of a lull with creating art over the last year. I’m a multi-passionate person and I submersed myself in many different outlets from 2018-2019. I allowed myself the freedom to explore different interests.
At some point I began to feel down on myself for not churning out new work as frequently as I had in the past. Instead, what I needed to do was be kind and gentle with myself. I understand and accept that people grow and change. Art is a process. It’s not made on demand. It comes from a feeling or emotion I want to express- a story I want to tell.
In January 2019 I made the leap from Canon to Sony. Starting fresh with new equipment can feel daunting! My next few posts will feature new work that I created with my Sony a7r III. I’m currently limited to 1 lens with my Sony, but it’s an amazing lens. I do miss my Lensbaby lenses though! I am falling in love with this newfound freedom and the possibilities of creating with this amazing camera and lens.
Now that it’s Spring here it’s time to wake up and come out of hibernation! What do you all have planned for the coming months? Leave a comment below and share ☺️
Intro- I'm Sharon Covert
I tend to forget that many of you are new followers and that you haven’t been following my journey all along. I thought I’d give you a little introduction.
My name is Sharon Covert. Most of the work you see here is self-portraits aside from some still life from time to time and portraits of my daughter. My son is grown and in college now so he hasn’t made an appearance in quite some time. He does spend some time with me behind the scenes though. He’s in the process of putting together some BTS’s videos he filmed for me for my newsletter and an upcoming class I’m teaching. His major is video production. Lucky me 😉
I began using self-portraiture as a way of self-expression about 6 years ago. I’m a shy introvert but thrive in expressing myself through words, art, and music. Before photography I taught piano lessons to children for many years. It was such a rewarding and challenging experience but I truly enjoyed working with children.
I currently teach an online course, Expressive Self Portraiture, through The Define School. You could say it’s a dream come true. The women I have met online and worked with have left me speechless and in awe.
I’m about to graduate from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in a few short weeks. The year long program has been life-changing and the coaching skills I have learned there have begun to carry over into my photography class. I’m excited for what the future holds.
I don’t composite or edit in photoshop. It’s not that I’m against it, I just haven’t put in the time and effort to learn the program. I really will one day, but I admit, I am completely intimidated by it! I enjoy the process of creating my self-portraits and finding ways to bring my ideas to life.
If you’re curious about anything else, or if you’d like to tell me something about yourself, leave a comment below ⬇️! As always, thank you so very much for your support. It means so much to me! ♥️
Shedding What No Longer Serves Me
Shedding What No Longer Serves Me
Shedding What No Longer Serves Me {Self-Portrait}
I am a work in progress. Ever-evolving. Ever-changing. I wax and wane like the moon. Ebbing and flowing with the tide.
Let the wind dry up these old wounds that resurface. Let me learn the lessons they teach and apply the wisdom in my life so that I may lead by example.
Sometimes I forget my own lessons that I teach others. Yesterday, while feeling rather slump-ish, it dawned on me that I have been avoiding creating- as I am waiting for the “perfect” time. The time is now. Now is the time. The weather is cold. The weather is windy. My fingers were instantly numb of all feeling, but in that moment I was reminded of what it feels like to be alive.
This. Is. Everything.
Be well my friends. Stay kind to yourself and others. And nurture yourself by creating, for not only will that breathe new life into you, it will help others as well. ♥️
Layers of Protection
These layers of protection, like an iron wall built to surround me. I must ask myself, who is it that I am really hiding from?
Layers of Protection {Self-Portrait}
Registration is OPEN!!!
Wanted: Creative, emotional Artist seeking her tribe of like-minded Artists.
My Belief: I believe in creating for self-love, self-awareness, self-discovery, self-reflection, self-guidance, self-healing and introspection. My core belief is that by practicing these things you will become a better person to serve those around you.
Have you ever been moved by someone else’s art? Have you ever felt connected in some way to another’s magic?
We, as Artists, are healers.
My 4 week interactive mentorship based course, Expressive Self Portraiture, through The Define School is now OPEN for registration! We will spend 4 weeks online together learning and practicing the tools I give you for creating art for yourself. You will learn how to think outside the box and bring your inner stories to life in a healing and expressive way. In this course I share everything. I hold nothing back.
Answer the call and join me by clicking the link in my bio.
I’m so damn excited for this! ♥️
Class begins February 18, 2019!…/expressive-self-portrait…/
Upcoming Exhibitions
My self-portrait, Love is Blind, won the Director’s award and is currently on display at A. Smith Gallery in Jonson City, Texas through February 17, 2019.
February 1 -23rd Breath will be on display at the SE Center for Photography in Greenville, South Carolina.