I've always felt more connected in nature; connected to my true self, my surroundings, everything living and breathing. My senses are especially heightened, and I am more attuned to what is happening all around me; from the birds singing, the wind rustling through the trees, the crunch of the leaves under the deer hooves, to the distinct, damp smell of fall. There is music to be heard if you just take the time to listen. Every living and breathing thing has a voice in its own unique way, and this is mine.
Gathering Strength
Inside & Out
All That Was Left Behind
Expressive Self Portraiture- New Class!
I'm SO excited to share with you all my new class, Expressive Self Portraiture with The Define School! Registration opened today and I'd love to have you there! You can learn more and sign up here - http://www.thedefineschool.com/learn/expressive-self-portraiture/ #definethejourney #thedefineschool #sharoncovert #sharoncovertphotography #expressiveselfportraiture
If I Could Tell Her | Self Portraits
Heightened Senses | Self Portraits
Wings | Self Portraits
Weary Eyes | Self Portrait
What Lies Beneath | Self Portrait
Lensbaby Composer Pro with Edge 80 Optic
Hollow | Self Portraits
The Entrance to Dreams | Self Portraits
Tender | Self Portrait
Fantasia | Self Portrait
Stolen Breath | Self Portraits
The Quest | Self Portrait
Winter Wonderland | Self Portraits
Misplaced | Self Portraits
The Path That Leads to Nowhere | Self Portraits
Lost Souls