I used a long exposure to create this self-portrait in September of 2016.
I had reached a point in my life where I almost felt I was in two places at once.
Part of me was coming out of this dark place I had been in for what felt like so long.
I could separate myself from that place and look back at that version of me, and to be quite honest, I wasn’t sure what this newer version of me was all about yet.
As humans we tend to stay with what feels safe, even if that “safe” isn’t good for us.
I almost felt as if I were turning my back on myself, which is what led to the concept of this self-portrait.
You guys, there is one thing I will attest to and that is this-
Art heals.
My hope and wish for you is that you allow yourselves the freedom to explore, play, create, make mistakes and know that it’s completely fine.
Let go of any judgments you have towards your work or yourself. That’s only going to weigh you down and hold you back from all of the greatness that is YOU.
If I Could Tell Her | Self Portraits
Long Exposure
Stolen Breath | Self Portraits
Lensbaby Sweet 50
The Path That Leads to Nowhere | Self Portraits
Lost Souls
Visions Lost | Self Portraits
Deliverance | Self Portraits
See Me | Self Portraits
See Me Part 2 | Self Portraits
Lingering Memories
Turn Your Back on Me
See Me | Self Portraits
Letting Go