New Email Challenge! The Creative Weaver

As a young child, I was always drawn to fairytales. I would lose myself in faraway lands as I listened to my grandmother read magical stories to me. 📖📚

It's no surprise that I thread pieces of these tales throughout my work along with other magical elements. ✨

I'm so excited to announce a new 10-day email challenge that I am creating for you.

The Creative Weaver. 🌙

In The Creative Weaver, we will draw our inspiration from Fairytales, the Tarot, Mythology, Folklore, Archetypes, Personal Symbolism vs. Universal Symbolism, Journaling, and more. 💫🌛🥀🦄🐻🐰🦊🐺🔮⚔️

If you sign up for my newsletter you'll receive early access to sign up. You can also learn more here and on Instagram (@sharoncovertphotography) over the next couple of weeks. 🔮

Let's weave magic and enchantment throughout our imagery together!
